Professional Reviews of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Volume review : The vii habits Highly Effective People - Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Book review and summary of "The 7 habits of Highly Effective People"


Part 1 : Perspectives and principles

The perspectives of the 7 philosophies

The ability of philosophy

The principle of growth and modify

The problem is how we approach the problem

The ability of repetition

Continued growth

Definition of efficiency

Part two: Individual victory

Addiction 1: Exist proactive

Definition of proactivity

Accept the initiative

Listen to your own linguistic communication

Circle of concerns. Circle of influence

  • The climate,
  • The atmospheric condition,
  • And the beliefs of others…
  • Our attitude,
  • Our deportment,
  • And our piece of work…

Habit ii: Keep the final goal in mind

  1. Habit 1: You are responsible for your life.
  2. Habit two: You can create your life.

Personal mission

Write your personal mission

Fix out roles and objectives

Addiction 3: get your priorities right

Time matrix

Quadrant 4 is the place for leisure and pleasure. The place of idle people!

  • Coherence, harmony, unity between vision, roles, objectives, and priorities.
  • Residual in all aspects of life (wellness, family, profession…).
  • Programming priorities and not ownership of the programs.

Know when to say No

Quadrant 2 Management

  • The identification of roles that require a regular investment of fourth dimension and energy: family unit, profession, leisure time…
  • Decide what y'all want to achieve each week and the goals, in relation to the points above.
  • Schedule the week'southward activities based on the first 2 steps, just don't lose sight of the target you wish to reach (the vision).
  • Daily adaptation: manage unforeseen events, reschedule appointments, make the most of unforeseen situations….

Efficiency or effectiveness?


Part 3: Public triumph

The image of interdependence

Emotional feelings

Big deposits

Human relationship bug are opportunities

Habit 4: Call up Win-Win

  • Personal integrity.
  • Maturity: the balance betwixt personal courage (personal) and consideration of others.
  • Plenty for anybody: there is no shortage of resources and in that location is enough for anybody. Information technology creates opportunities for more sharing, collaboration, creativity, and participation.

Habit 5: First endeavor to understand and then to be understood.

Know how to listen with the aim to understand. That is what makes the divergence.

Habit vi: Live in synergy

Synergy is the embodiment of the spirit of abundance.

Synergetic communication

Negative synergy

Evaluate the differences

Addiction 7: Re-address the balance

The concrete aspect

The spiritual aspect

The mental attribute

The social/emotional aspect

Book critique of "The 7 Habits of Highly Efficient People":

Strong Points of The 7 habits of Highly Constructive People:

  • The fashion the book is written is well put together. Simple and pleasant to read.
  • Ideas are articulate; the concepts are both profound and straightforward.
  • The implementation of the practices is helped past exercises at the end of each chapter.
  • The book shows its merits compared to those that offer quick and unlikely answers. He advocates long-term work.

Weak Points of The 7 habits of Highly Effective People:

  • The order of the contents could be amend.
  • The same ideas are repeated a number of times.
  • Bulky book.
  • Needs to exist read more than once.


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