Do Not Eat After Sunset

Consuming food, h2o etc. at night is strictly prohibited in the Jain Dharma. There are many reasons for this prohibition. The germs and microbes that disappear when there is sunlight do not really become destroyed; they take shelter in shadowy places and after the dusk, they enter and pervade the atmosphere. These microbes are invisible to the naked eye, get into our food. Consuming this kind of food volition atomic number 82 to killing of these germs and bacterias which in turn volition lead to our sick health.

Our biological clock is set according to the sunrise-sunset. When the sun is right above united states of america, our digestive fire performs at its acme. The food eaten at night time does not get properly digested since the digestive organisation becomes inactive during the night owing to the absenteeism of sunlight and we face up the problem of indigestion. The metabolism charge per unit slows down during these hours equally we do not indulge in any physical activity which helps in digestion. Hence, due to these reasons the food taken during night times does not get digested; and its putrefaction in the trunk is harmful to health. This leads to increase in weight as the undigested nutrient gets stored in the form of fats. It too leads to foul aroma in the breath, putrefaction of teeth, constipation, hurting in human knee joints and several diseases of the throat.

Indian Science of health has formulated a rule that later having taken food, one should potable little-little water many times. Eating food earlier dusk allows this practice naturally. Some scientists also say that you lot should avoid food atleast iii-4 hours before sleeping, and then that the food gets digested properly before sleeping. A recent research in Hong Kong proves that people eating nutrient by early evening are less decumbent to middle diseases.

Other scientific reasons to avoid food at night:

1. Fluctuations in Slumber Cycle:
Another important reason why you may want to avert eating late is due to the effect information technology tin can have on your sleep bicycle. Research has institute that the digestive process tin have serious implications on your slumber bicycle, causing you lot to wake up more frequently, and have a harder fourth dimension falling comatose in the first place.

two. Increased Urination and Excretion Needs:
Drinking water and eating food late night would lead to an increase in the number of times that you may demand to get up to use the restroom during the night. Also, information technology volition upshot in food beingness digested during your sleeping hours—and because of this, y'all may demand to wake upwards to eliminate the waste product products.

Specific food and their consequences if eaten at dark:

1. High Fat food: Oily, cheese, french fries, pizzas with extra cheese, greasy food, etc. all fall into the category of high fat nutrient which on consuming late in the night gets stored in the digestive tract.

2. Spicy snacks: Not only does eating spicy food is the worst to consume at night, merely also spicy food can disrupt your sleep patterns. In add-on, makes it more hard to sleep because of the invasion of endorphins, spicy foods can also make you lot feel physically uncomfortable. Spicy foods can cause heartburn, tummy problems and exacerbate existing ones.

3. Caffeine: Many people already understand this to avoid caffeine at night, unless you lot actually intend to stay awake until late at night. Most of y'all probably know amend to avoid caffeinated java or tea at night, but the thing is, many foods also contain caffeine.

4. Red Meat: Red meat is one type of food that takes a very long time to digest, considering a number of protein and fat constitute in nigh types of cerise meat. As a issue, consuming scarlet meat at night volition produce endorphins which makes it more hard for you lot to fall asleep.

5. Basics: Yous must be thinking, aren't nuts a very salubrious food? Of course it'southward truthful – beans have lots of fiber, which is undoubtedly very good for your body. Unfortunately, the fibers made of beans as the worst nutrient to consume at dark. Basics can make digestion become uncomfortable, and again tin can cause stomach bug at night.

Different religious views:

one. The person who drinks alcohol, meat, eats afterwards sunset and consumes vegetables grown under the basis; whatever kind of pilgrimage, prayers and whatever kind of rites performed by such kind of a person bears no fruit.

- Mahabharat (Rishishvarbharat)

2. The soul which eats after sunset even in the monsoons, the sins committed past him cannot be purified fifty-fifty if he does thousands of the "Chandrayantap".

- Rishishvarbharat (Vaidikdarshan)

3. The soul which eats before sunset and especially in the monsoon abdicates eating subsequently sunset; that person gets whatever he desires in this life also every bit the next life.

- Yogvashisht Purvaghshlo 108

4. In the Markandpuran, it is said that afterward dusk drinking water is equivalent to drinking claret & eating food to eating meat.

- Markandrishi

5. The optimum daily routine for a human is to avoid eating at dark since the burn required to digest the food is very weak during that period.

– Charaksanhita & Ashtanga Sangraha

six. In the ancient scriptures of the Hindus, it is said that, "चत्वारि नरक्द्वाराणि प्रथमं रात्रिभोजनम्" which means eating at night is the first doorway to hell.

Even, bees, sparrows, parrots, crows, pigeons and many other kinds of birds don't eat afterward dusk.

Of all the religions in the world, the Jain Dharma is unique in examining with great intendance and thoughtfulness fifty-fifty such comparatively small matters as food and beverage. The Jain dharma concentrates equally on the evolution of the mind, body & soul. Certain effects of food, both good and bad, autumn not only on the body, but besides on the mind. After all, what you lot eat is what you remember.

Sins committed (paap) if you eat later sunset:

The corporeality of bad karma (paap) a person accumulates in committing a sin of killing living beings for 96 births is equal to committing a sin of drying one lake. Similarly, the corporeality of bad karma a person collects in drying lakes for 108 births is equal to the sin committed in burning one forest. The amount of karma which y'all accumulate in committing a sin of burning forests for 101 births is equal to committing a sin of doing one "Kuvanijya" (a business organization which is considered wrong morally) . The amount of karma nerveless in commiting a sin of doing "Kuvanijya" for 144 births is equal to falsely accusing someone for once. Similarly, the amount of karmas, ane accumulates in committing the sins of falsely accusing someone for 151 births, more than that is the sin committed in having a relationship with another woman. The amount of bad karma, collected in committing a sin of having a relationship with another woman for 199 births, more than that is the sin committed in having nutrient at night for once.

Such loftier is the amount of karmas which a person builds in eating after sunset for one twenty-four hour period. This if you summate with the days y'all accept eaten after dusk in your entire life till appointment, the amount of karma accumulated is innumerable.

If you lot swallow food before sunset for your entire life, you receive the fruits of fasting for half of your life. To surrender eating after sunset paves the way to the doorway of heaven.

Benefits in daily life:

1. No waiting in the restaurants:
All of the states take experienced that going out for dinner on a saturday / lord's day evening, i has to wait outside the eatery from 10 minutes to 1-ii hours. You proceed on waiting, get tired and bored after which y'all don't feel similar eating. And if you have kids the situation becomes worse. People who eat before dusk don't need to expect for a 2nd as at that place are very few people who consume before sunset. Also, the service provided regarding the food quality, cleanliness and hygiene is amend than the one provided later on sunset in all the hassle.

2. Fourth dimension for family:
If everyone in the family eats before sunset, all the household chores get completed and the women of the house have ample of time to carry out other activities and give time to their children and other family members.

At that place are many other benefits and advantages for eating before sunset. And thus, few people have already taken a step in this front.

Even if you are one of those who don't believe in religion, there are some great scientific reasons to avoid food at night to stay fit & in shape!

For farther reference:
i. Yogshastra by Acharya Shri Hemchandra Suriji
2. Shradha Vidhi by Acharya Shri Ratnashekar Suriji
3. Dharma Sangraha by Upadhyaya Shri Maan Vijayji
4. Secrets of Jainism


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