Mad Max Fury Road 4k Blu Ray Review


I have to say that this has been the hardest review I've had to write in my career. Mad Max has been a staple of my life since I was in my teens, watching Mel Gibson play the famous route warrior across three films. Years later on George Miller has resurrected the franchise with Fury Route, a weird hybrid of remake, reboot, and sequel all in ane. I was stoked beyond belief when I heard a new Mad Max film was coming to the big screen, and even more excited with Tom Hardy as the pb graphic symbol. When the pic striking theaters the response by critics and filmgoers alike was INSANE! The film All the same holds a 98% on rottentomatoes and I haven't found more than than a handful of professional reviews that has annihilation bad to say about the movie. However, I went opening night and left with jaw hanging to the flooring, and unfortunately information technology was not out of awe and amazement. Leaving the theater I would take rated the motion picture one.5/5 straight off the bat. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I saw nix of the Mad Max I grew up with and the complete lack of verbal storytelling was horribly off putting. Everyone said I was nuts, didn't know what I was talking nearly, or but looked at me in stunned surprise when I said I wasn't a fan. No affair how much I disliked it, I decided that I wanted to see what other people saw, so I went dorsum a 2nd fourth dimension, gestated over the textile and still didn't feel any meliorate. It took me going back and watching the original iii to realize, even the original movies weren't that good. Their redeeming cistron was having Mel Gibson be the lead, equally his charisma can cover a lot of sings. Fast frontward 3 months and I now have the Blu-ray disc in my mitt, every bit well as a plethora of things gleaned from discussions on the forums about the nuances of the film in my mind. Watching information technology not once, only twice on my abode theater, along with several months of gestating between my disappointing theatrical experiences, allowed me to see it in a new light.

Welcome to a world of insanity. Where the globe has gone post-apocalyptic, and the survivors alive under the rule of warlords and savages while driving nitrous fueled muscle cars and serve every bit roughshod "war boys" to their masters. Ane such Warlord, named Immortan Joe (Hugh Keays-Burn), rules with an atomic number 26 fist in his piddling corner of the world and his tyranny has led to much pain and suffering. Our titular hero, Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) is captured by Joe'south men and used as a universal blood donor, nicknamed meatbag, to the radiation poisoned state of war boys. Afterwards the escape of his second hand adult female, Furiosa (Charlize Theron), with his favorite breeding wives, Immortan Joe sets off on a deadly route hunt to get his women back and exact revenge on Furiosa.

I can't really say much more than that, since, there really isn't much more to say virtually the moving picture. The rest of the movie is 95% just i big action scene with Max, Furiosa, a war boy named Nux (Nicholas Hoult, who steals every scene he’s in), and the fleeing wives all doing their all-time to stay alive. Furiosa grew up exterior of Immortan Joe's grasp, and remembers her childhood dwelling house, full of green and promise, and is taking her wards at that place. However, xx years subsequently, there may not be a domicile to get to.


I've gone from abject despising Mad Max: Fury Road to rather enjoying it, but I make no basic about pointing out that information technology'southward the most over rated film of the yr. While it may not seem obvious on the surface, there is definitely plot in the movie. The merely thing is that it’s all told through the action and the looks between the characters. Watching Furiosa and Max interact at the commencement of the movie, and then watch their characters form a bond under the heat of boxing. Past the end of the movie you can see their growth and their trust in each other forming, but if you're only paying attention to the words yous'd never encounter that. Nicholas Hoult is simply fantastic though, even though he's simply a co-lead, he's completely likeable and somehow even relatable as the crazed war boy Nux. He'due south desperate to testify himself to a god/warlord and secure a identify for himself in the afterlife. Like well-nigh young boys, he just wants affirmation from his father figure, even if that male parent effigy is a crazed lunatic like Immortan Joe. Interesting little tidbit here, Immortan Joe is played by Hugh Keays-Burn, who is the SAME histrion who played Toe Cutter; in the original Mad Max; film. They aren't the same character in the picture show, but it is certainly neat that George Miller cast one of his old actors in this 20 year remake/reboot/sequel (any it is).

What makes this movie special is the incredible use of practical effects in the flick. The entire 90 minutes of road race (with the residue of the pic existence more laid back), we see George Miller revel in a sort of insane activeness that is not seen in modern movies. Pretty much EVERY motorcar explosion, every stunt, every flip of a vehicle was all done with real cars, real wirework, and real booms. There was barely a drop of CGI used for the whole moving-picture show in terms of action. Don't get me wrong, there is enough of CGI, as the compositing works to become the mural to looks so stylistic utilized a lot of CGI, just the action stunts and fight scenes was 100% practical, and it shows!

All beingness said, I ended upwards enjoying Fury Road more than than I originally did, but still tin't run across it as the masterpiece that the internet has been raving out. It’due south certainly insane, and the action work is something that has been lost over the decades, with constant employ of CGI eroding a well setup practical effect ridden film, simply I can’t get over the fact that the whole experience seems overwhelming and more than a bit deadening in the 2d act. I had fun plenty watching it on my home theater, and the Blu-ray is nothing curt of magnificent, simply I can't seem to observe the same levels of enjoyment that appears to have taken over the rest of the globe while watching.

Rated R for intense sequences of violence throughout, and for agonizing images

4K Video: :3.5stars: Video: :5stars:


I haven't watched the 4K UHD disc before as I got to review the Blu-ray simply back in 2016, but I remember it not getting high marks for video back then. It was one of the commencement few 4K UHD discs and the transfer wasn't Keen (simply nonetheless was good enough). Similar many five years ago, the film was taken from a 2K chief and upconverted to Blu-ray. The results are a decent, if not slightly soft, looking image. There's not a whole tone of detail added that I could run into A/Bing my Blu-ray discs of the moving-picture show, and I noticed almost of the HDR awarding was mediocre virtually of the time. There are definitely more oranges and splashes of colors on the girls outfits, merely this is not a leaps and bounds transfer past whatsoever means. The matte paintings and applied effects for the pic are magnificent to watch, but in 4K UHD they are a flake easier to spot equally well. All in all, this was a fledgling 4K UHD endeavor with "solid" HDR application, and not much else to differentiate itself from the Blu-ray. It IS better than the Blu-ray (which was spectacular), merely not very much at all though.

Audio: :5stars:


I'm yet in stupor, and I don't mean that I'g shocked at how expert the sound is, or how loud it was. I'm talking full on military PTSD stupor after this sonic assault on my ears. I remember it being aggressive in theaters, but this is beyond amazing, as the Dolby Atmos runway but tears apart your system with the ferocity of Immortan Joe himself. The dialogue is adequately express, merely still clean and clearly replicated in the centre channel, while the rest of the runway just sits on top of you and pummels the listener to death with a dynamic range that shows no mercy and takes no prisoners. The surrounds are basically in perpetual country of activity, with war trucks and bullets and the random war boy exploding all around, with the throb of those heavy engines rattling every stud in the house with visceral LFE. Not only is the bass LOUD, but it goes deep with several scenes going near the single digit range. I literally felt like I was in the centre of a tornado, as every speaker was constantly in utilize and the directionality of the private sounds kept shifting. You tin can hear the shifting of gears upwardly in the front of the room, only to hear a bullet plink off the back of the truck from the left year, or the pop of a tire over your right shoulder. Everything is just a nonstop cacophony of incredibly nuanced noises that really requite the movie that surge of excitement.

Extras: :3stars:


• Fury on Iv Wheels
• The Route Warriors: Max and Furiosa
• The Tools of the Wasteland
• The 5 Wives: So Shiny, So Chrome
• Deleted Scenes
• Crash & Smash

Final Score: :3.5stars:

I tin can't say that I'chiliad as enamored with Mad Max: Fury Route equally the remainder of the cinematic community, just after watching it several times, I've picked upward on the nuances that actually brand the story quite fun. Information technology's curt of character development, and virtually as loftier as yous can get on activity, with some incredibly well done practical effects past George Miller and crew. I may not exist giving this a screaming two thumbs up, but I DO highly recommend checking it out. With a 98% score on Rottentomatoes and every other critic on earth raving over this one, I am an bibelot, and even if y'all don't share my opinion, I would say that with those numbers, it's;s worth seeing for yourself. The disc itself is the exact same disc that was released back in 2016, and that was a scrap weak in the 4K UHD section, even if it carries the same picture perfect audio of the Blu-ray.

Technical Specifications:

Starring: Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Zoe Kravitz
Directed by: George Miller
Written past: George Miller, Brendan McCarthy
Attribute Ratio: 2.40:ane AVC
Audio: English: Dolby Atmos (Dolby TrueHD Core), French, Spanish, Portuguese DD v.1
Subtitles: English SDH, French, German SDH, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish
Studio: Warner Brothers
Rated: R
Runtime: 120 minutes
Blu-Ray Release Nov 1st, 2016

Recommendation: Solid Watch


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